产品名称:等压式数控割炬 Balanced pressure digital control cutting blowpipe适用于数控火焰切割机。
It is suitable for use in digital control flame cutting machines。整体采用优质锻造铜制造。采用等压式结构设计。采用银焊,可有效防止泄漏。套管补径为30mm和32mm。套管长度有180mm、250mm、370mm_种。齿条可在四个不同位置进行安装(每个位置相隔900)。适用锥面为300的等压式割咀。切割氧采用快速阀门具有流量微调锁定结构,在同工件再次切割不需调整流量
快速微调一体阀Quick fine setting combined valveIt is made of high-quality forging brass.Balanced pressure structure design.It adopts silver solder, which can effectively avoidleakage.O.D. of the tube:30mm and 32mm.Length of the tube :1 80mm.250mm.370mm.The gear rack can be installed at 4different positionswith 90 degrees between two positions.11 is suitable for balanced pressure cutting nozzlewith cone of 30 degrees. Fast cutting oxygen flow valve has a locking structureof fine-tuning, once again cutting the workpiece atthe same flow without the adjustment