“鑫源” 牌真空过滤螺旋榨油机是我公司独自研制的,是目前市场上最先进的中小型榨油机(获国家专利一项),它利用螺旋在榨膛内旋转挤压的原理分二级或三级将油料在榨膛内一次榨净,同时,加热器在不破坏油料营养成份的情况下高温消毒,并使油料保持在出油率最高状态,然后油品经真空过滤,获得高品质的鲜榨植物油。
“鑫源” 牌真空过滤螺旋榨油机和老式榨油机相比存在着明显的优势:
优势七:用途广,可榨花生、芝麻、菜籽、胡麻、黄豆、葵花籽等二十多种油料作物。 "Xinyuan" brand vacuum filter screw press was developed by our company alone, is currently on the market the most advanced small and medium oil press (which have been a national patent), which uses helical compression in the virgin bore the principle of rotating points 2 or 3 will be oil in the virgin bore a virgin net, while heating oil does not destroy
nutrients in the case of high-temperature sterilization, and to keep oil out of oil in the highest rate of state, and then oil by vacuum filtration, to obtain high-quality fresh-squeezed vegetable oil. "Xinyuan" brand vacuum filter oil press screw oil press, and old-fashioned compared to the obvious advantages:Advantage 1: one virgin net, high efficiency, processing capacity of up to 150-250 kg per hour, Nissan, 2-3 tons.
Advantage 2: high degree of automation, labor-saving 1-2 person can produce.
Advantage three: power, fuel consumption per jin only 2 degrees.
Advantage 4: High-temperature sterilization, sanitation.
Advantage 5: vacuum filtration, oil quality pure.
Advantage 6: The average oil yield than the old oil press above the 4% -8%.
Advantage 7: use of wide, can be pressed peanut, sesame, rapeseed, flax, soybeans, sunflower seeds, etc. more than 20 kinds of oil crops.