Electric wire and cable braiding machine
双头双电16#编织机为独立传动,可同时生产两条不同型号的线材,开停机互不干涉,生产灵活,生产效率高,电线编织机全系列均采用新式的走马式结构,优势突出. 主要产品有:同轴线、屏蔽线、控制电线、波铝箔线等 GB16# braiding machine with 2 heads and 2 motors can produce two different kinds of wire or cable by separate transmission. Each motor can run by itself without interference. The whole series has adapted the new-style vertical GB structure which has the priority as followings: 1、机器结构紧凑、合理,有效节约场地;
Reasonable structure and less space needed2、操作便捷,省人省力,对操作人员要求低
Easy operation and less labor needed3、 机械选材考究及加工处理精细,整机使用寿命更长;
Top-class parts and long service life4、电器配制均衡,总功率小,节省用电;
Low HP and low electricity cost5、采用变频器调速,具有断线自动停车功能,具有短距倒车功能,可提高编织品质;
Applications of transducer, automatic stop unit for wire breaking and rolling-back unit help improve the machine’s performance.
In the process of braiding, there is no spraying oil that is especially suitable for the braiding of lucency wires. 7、纱管容量大,张力稳定易调节,提高生产效率;
Bigger volume of bobbin and easier adjustment of strain.8、配件损耗低,整机易维护,其使用与维修成本明显低于卧式高速机;
Durable parts and easy to maintain the whole machine: Maintenance cost is much lower than that of horizontal high speed braiding machine.9、应用范围广,具有金属丝与化纤纱线混合编织功能;
Vast application scope (Include the function of hybrid braiding wire & chemical fiber) 10、全封闭型可供选配,可降低噪音10-15分贝。
The machine can be equipped with fully enclosed safety hood which can reduce the noise by 10-15db设备型号 Model GB16-2-2头数Head2锭数Spindle16*2马达功率Motor Power(HP)220V/0.55KW*2叶轮最大转速Max Speed of Impeller360RPM编织芯线最大直径Max Dia of Core wire16mm收放线盘最大直径Max Dia of Coiler630mm编织密度范围Scope of Braiding Density2-26目最高产量Max Output219m/h *2 (5目)5 braid point纱管尺寸/容量Size / Capacity of bobbin55mm*92mm/180ccm可编织材料Raw Materials铜丝、铜包钢、铝镁丝、化纤丝线等Brass wire, steel wire with plating copper, aluminium & magnesium wire with plating steel, chemical fiber and so on