蔬菜清洗机采用不锈钢制造而成、坚固耐用、设备原料不会受损伤,从而达到洗洁净高、节省劳力、节水、设备 性稳定,可靠等效果,蔬菜清洗机、集自动连续清洗。被清洗物洁净高出人工常规洗法三倍以上。 本机采用高压水流和气泡发生装置冲击被清洗物体表面,气泡在与物体接触时破裂产生的能量,会对被清洗物体表面起到一个冲击和刷洗的作用,刷洗被清洗物体表面,将被清洗物体清洗干净。另外加装毛刷,能有效清除物品中的毛发。高压水流使物料呈翻滚状态,去除产品表面农残功效,洗菜机里漂浮物可以从溢流槽溢出,沉淀物从口排出,以达到清洗的目的。
设备特点:Features systems
1, rack using high-quality SUS304 stainless steel production, in line with national standards for food industry use.
2, the use of a bubble rolling, brushing, spraying techniques, to maximize the washing of material.
3, each single-line users under different processing characteristics tailored to maximize meet the technological requirements.
4, cleaning speed stepless adjustable, the user can, depending on the contents of arbitrary cleansing.
5, the aircraft compact structure, high degree of automation in a variety of suitable scale processing enterprises.
适用范围:Sphere of application
The pipeline is part of leaf type, fungi, salted vegetables to carry out the washing, refine, transport, desalination, such as the selection and assembly-line work. It replaces the heavy manual labor, the implementation of mechanized processing of agricultural products.