USB Tracer/Trainer为LeCroy USB 协议分析仪中最高阶的一部。此系统的平台为UPAS 2500H ( Universal Protocol Analyzer System ) , 搭配512M记忆深度可纪录各式异常信号及状况 . USB Tracer是USB2.0 OTG 协议分析仪模块 , 简易的操作设定简化了工程师操作上的时间 . 而USB Trainer则是USB2.0协议讯务量产生器模块, 工程人员可以简易的产生所需的信号与待测装置进行兼容性测试。
此设备支持自动侦测信号装置 ( Auto -Detect Speed ) , 不需任何额外设定即可进行讯号分析 . 搭配CATC Trace View 工具 , 使的信号分析变的更加简单。
多種顯示層級主要功能:CATC Trace Analysis Software System- Faster interpretation and debug of USB trafficOTG (On-The-Go) Support- Record and analyze HNP & SRP, including the capture of VBus and Data line pulsesTraffic Generation/Device Emulation- Fully integrated traffic generator for design and stress testing and pre-testing devices for compliance.512 MByte Recording Capacity- Capture long recording sessions for analysis and problem solvingNon-intrusive High Impedance Probe- Ensures non-corrupted and uninterrupted dataAdvanced Triggering- Trigger and filter on both channels to easily isolate important traffic, specific errors or data patternsExtensive Decodes- Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Hub, PTP/Still Image, Printer, PictBridge, Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), SCSI Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Human Interface Devices (HID), Cable Based Association Framework, Audio, Communication, Host and Device Wire Adapter.Real-Time Statistics- View bus traffic as it occurs even if a Trace is not being recordedHardware Filtering- Automatically exclude non-essential and redundant packets from the traceIntelligent Reporting- Quickly identify and track error rates, abnormal bus or timing conditionsSophisticated Viewing- View Packet, Transaction and Transfer layers of the USB protocolDual Recording Channels- Simultaneously record all USB speeds on both channelsHi-Speed USB Port- USB 2.0 Hi-Speed connection for quick uploading of Trace DataReliable CATC™ 2500H Platform- Modular platform design allows for use with other LeCroy-supported technologies3 Year Hardware Warranty- Protect your investment with industry leading warranty看了就能了解的USB Protocol
我们使用CATC Trace 分析软件来协助分析所撷取的的信息 . 采用快速翻译搭配不同颜色的区块 , 让使用者可以一目了然所撷取的的讯号 , 搭配不同层级显示如: Packet, Transaction and Transfer. 更可以得到更多不同的应用讯息与内容.
此一设备亦可提供OTG 的讯息撷取及翻译 , 包含了HNP(Host Negotiation Protocol) and SRP (Session Request Protocol) . VBus and Data Line 以能够被同步撷取 . 在层级翻译中 , 亦提供了如 Picture Transfer Protocol /Still Image Class Decoding, PictBridge, Media Transfer Protocol (MTP), SCSI Mass Storage, Bluetooth HCI, Printer, Human Interface Devices (HID), Cable Based Association Framework, Audio, Communication, Host and Device Wire Adapter 等Class 及Endpoint 解译功能 , 十分的便利.
OTG ( On-The-Go ) 顯示範例說明快速搜寻及报告功能
USBTracer/Trainer 提公非常多种搜寻功能及报告功能 . Bus Utilization 可以提供包含了graphs data, packet length, bus usage by device other statistical data. Bandwidth calculator 能够自动的计算频宽传输效益 .
使用Traffic Summary 窗口, 使用者能够快速的计算及了解画面中的信息, 包含各封包次数 , 各层级模式状态 , 各流量状况及错误发生次数及位置 . 大量节省使用者的时间 .
强大的搜寻器则能够轻易且快速的寻找任依封包及讯息的位置 .
Traffic summaries provide detailed metrics for USB events within a trace简易设定的进阶触发
对于USB系统而言有效率的分析器必须让使用者在讯号撷取到有用的讯息 , 并且准确鉴定和选择记录感兴趣的部份 . USBTracer 分析器提供硬件触发功能 . 另外 , 透过错误分析及触发用户能容易纪录信号中异常位置的状态 . 用户能指定多达 7 阶的排序 . 例如︰ 在Transaction 发生5次后所产生的错误加以触发 .
Construct multiple level sequential trigger eventsLeCroy USBTracer有着很好的名声及最准确和可靠的协议分析器。与USBTrainer讯号产生器相结合,更能够全面提供USB的测试解决方案及办法。