AB-1型无机防火堵料是一种以无机防火材料为主的防火材料,分预制块和粉状两种形态。适用于电力、石化、冶金、建筑等行业电缆贯穿孔洞、电缆坚井的防火封堵,电缆隧道、电缆沟阻火墙等。该产品具有耐水、耐火、耐油、耐盐水、耐腐蚀、无毒等特性,施工方法简单,施工时用1:0.6-0.8的清水调和能迅速固化。当封堵厚度达到240mm时,耐火极限≥180min。 Type AB-1inorganic fireproof plugging material is a kind of fireproof material whose main component are inorganic materials. It has two states block and powder. It is applicable to the fire insulation for cable breakdown holes and vertical shaft, and building fire shielding walls of cable channel and chout. It has characteristics shch as fire resistance,water resistance,oil resistance,bring and corrosion resistance,avirulence etc. The construction method is simple. It solidifies rapidly as it is maxed with clean water at a ratio of 1:0.6-0.8. When the block thickness of 240mm, the fire resistance ≥ 180min. |