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□RN1型户内高压限流熔断器,用于电力线路的过载及短路保护。所谓限流就是熔断器在短路电流达到峰值之前就将其切断的功能。 □The product is in overload or short-circuit protection for elctric transformer. The current limiting means that the fuse will cut off the circuit before the shortcircuit current reaches the peak value. |  | ◆熔断特性
| 当通过熔断器的电流为其额定电流的1.3倍时,1小时不熔断;当通过熔断器的电流为其额定电流的2倍时,1小时内熔断;熔断器的熔断特性曲线如图1,供选择熔断器时参考。 Current which passes the fuse when being 1.3 times of its specified electric current, Do not fusing for an hour; When the current through the fuse is 2 times of its specined electric current, fusing in an hour; Refer to its fusing feature curve in chart 1 when select the fuse. |
◆技术数据 Technique data |
| 3 | 6 | 10 | 35 | 额定电流 A | 20 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 20 | 75 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 20 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 200 | 7.5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 最大开断电流KA (有效值) Max breaking curent KV effective vakue | 40 | 20 | 12 | 3.5 | 最小开断电流(以额定电流倍数表示) The mininum breaking current Express with specified electric current multipe | 不规定 nuprovide | 1.3 | 不规定 nuprovide | 1.3 | 不规定 nuprovide | 1.3 | 不规定 nuprovide | 1.3 | 三相最大断流容量(MVA) | 200 | 重量 Weight | 8 | 8.9 | 10.8 | 15.7 | 15.7 | 8.5 | 9.6 | 13.6 | 13.6 | 17 | 10 | 11.5 | 14.5 | 21 | 21 | 10 | 20 | 27 | 27 | 27 |
◆熔断管结构 Structure of fuse link |
熔断管是熔断器的主要部件,它是由熔丝装在瓷管中,并在瓷管中充填石英砂,两端密封而成。额定电流在7.5A以下及额定电压 为35V的熔管,其熔丝是绕在特制的瓷芯上,如图2.a;额定电流在7.5A以上的熔体管,其熔丝是悬挂在瓷管中如图2.b。 The fuse pipe is the main part of fuse,it is made by installing the fuse wire in the porcelain pipe,filling the quartz sand in the porcelain pipe and sealing to-ends of pipe.For the fuse pipe with rated current below 7.5Aand 35V rated voltage,its fuse wire is rolled on the special por- celain core,referening to chart 2.a.for the fuse pipe with rated current above 7.5A,its fuse wire is hang in the porcelain pipe,referening to the chart. |
◆外型及安装尺寸 Installation Dimensios |
图2 RN1-及RN2型熔体管剖面 Chart 2-the section of Rn1and Rn2 style fuse pipe | 图3 RN1-3,6,10/2-20型外形尺寸 Chart 2-the section of Rn 1and Rn2 style fuse pipe |  |  | □1.端盖 Cover □6.指示器熔丝 Indicator fuse wire □2.端帽 Cap □7.弹簧 Spring □3.瓷管 Porce lain pipe □8.指示器头 Indicator □4.熔丝 Fuse wire □9.瓷制芯子 Porcelain core □5.石英砂 Quartz sand □10.胶垫 Rubber washer |
产品型号 Product type | 产品型号 Product code number | 图号 Diagram number | 额定电压(KV) Rated voltage | 额定电流 RaFuse current A | 主要尺寸Main sizemin | A | a | L | H1 | H | b | RN1-3/2 | RN3 | 图3 | 3 | 2 | 220 | 400 | 450 | 125 | 235 | 108 | RN1-3/3 | RN3 | 3 | RN1-3/5 | RN3 | 5 | RN1-3/7.5 | RN3 | 7.5 | RN1-3/10 | RN3 | 10 | RN1-3/15 | RN3 | 15 | RN1-3/20 | RN3 | 20 | RN1-6/2 | RN3 | 6 | 2 | 320 | 500 | 550 | RN1-6/3 | RN3 | 3 | RN1-6/5 | RN3 | 5 | RN1-6/7.5 | RN3 | 7.5 | RN1-6/10 | RN3 | 10 | RN1-6/15 | RN3 | 15 | RN1-6/20 | RN3 | 20 | RN1-10/2 | RN3 | 10 | 2 | 420 | 600 | 650 | RN1-10/3 | RN3 | 3 | RN1-10/5 | RN3 | 5 | RN1-10/7.5 | RN3 | 7.5 | RN1-10/10 | RN3 | 10 | RN1-10/15 | RN3 | 15 | RN1-10/20 | RN3 | 20 |
图4 RN1-35/2.40,RN2-35,RN3-35型外形尺寸 图5 RN1-3/30-100,RN1-30-75,RN1-10/30-250型外形尺寸 |
产品型号 Product type | 产品型号 Product code number | 图号 Diagram number | 额定电压(KV) Rated voltage | 额定电流 RaFuse current A | 主要尺寸Main sizemin | A | a | L | h2 | H | b | RN1-3/30 | RN3 | 图5 | 3 | 30 | 216 | 400 | 450 | 155 | 235 | 108 | RN1-3/40 | RN3 | 40 | RN1-3/50 | RN3 | 50 | RN1-3/75 | RN3 | 75 | 266 | 288 | RN1-6/100 | RN3 | 100 | RN1-6/30 | RN3 | 6 | 30 | 316 | 500 | 550 | 235 | RN1-6/40 | RN3 | 40 | RN1-6/50 | RN3 | 50 | RN1-6/75 | RN3 | 75 | 366 | 288 | RN1-10/30 | | 10 | 30 | 416 | 600 | 650 | 235 | RN1-10/40 | | 40 | RN1-10/50 | | 50 |
图6 |
产品型号 Product type | 产品型号 Product code number | 图号 Diagram number | 额定电压(KV) Rated voltage | 额定电流 RaFuse current A | 主要尺寸Main sizemin | A | a | L | H | b | RN1-3/150 | RN3 | 图6 | 3 | 150 | 270 | 400 | 450 | 350 | 108 | RN1-3/200 | RN3 | 200 | RN1-6/100 | RN3 | 6 | 100 | 370 | 500 | 550 | RN1-6/150 | RN3 | 150 | RN1-6/200 | RN3 | 200 | RN1-10/75 | RN3 | 10 | 75 | 470 | 600 | 650 | RN1-10/100 | RN3 | 100 |
图7 |
产品型号 Product type | 产品型号 Product code number | 图号 Diagram number | 额定电压(KV) Rated voltage | 额定电流 RaFuse current A | 主要尺寸Main sizemin | A | a | L | b | RN1-3/300 | RN3 | 图7 | 3 | 300 | 270 | 400 | 450 | 108 | RN1-3/400 | RN3 | 3 | 400 | RN1-6/300 | RN3 | 6 | 300 | 370 | 500 | 550 | RN1-6/150 | RN3 | 10 | 150 | 470 | 600 | 650 | RN1-6/200 | RN3 | 10 | 200 |
□RN2型户内高压限流熔断器,用于电压互感器的保护,其断流容量为1000MVA。在短路时以限制线路电流到最小值的方式进行瞬 时开断,1分钟内熔断电流应在0.6-1.8A范围内。 □The product is used in overload or short-circuit protection for instrument transformer.At the time of holding up by restrain circuit current way to get minimum from carry on instantaneous to turn on and break,it should be within the range of 0.6-1.8A to fuse the electric current in one minute. |
◆技术数据Technique data |
产品型号 Product type | RN2-3、6、10 | RN215、20 | RN2-35 | 额定电压Rated voltage KV | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 35 | 额定电流Fuse current A | 0.5 | | | 0.5 | 三相断流容量Capacity of largest break of three-phase MVA | 500 | 100 | 1000 | 1000 | 最大开断电流(有效值) Max break curent KA effective value KA | 100 | 85 | 50 | 40 | 30 | 17 | 过电压倍数Overvoltage multiple Do not exceed | 不超过2.5倍工作电压Do not exceed voltage of 2.5 times of rating | 熔管电阻值Resistance of the fuse pipe(Ω) | 93±7 | 200±10 | 315±14 | 重量Weight Kg | 5.6 | 12.2 | 15.6 | 熔管重量Fuse weight Kg | 0.9 | 1.6 | 2.5 |
◆外型及安装尺寸Installation Dimensios |
图8 RN2-3、6、10/0.5型外形尺寸 图8 RN2-15、20/0.5型外形尺寸 图8 RN2-35/0.5型外形尺寸 |
RN3型系列高压限流熔断器是用于电力线路及输电设备的过载及短路保护。 RN3型系列高压限流熔断器比RNL型有如下改进。 1、熔体采用片状变截面多断口结构,为使开断能力增强。开断速度加快,开断后绝缘可以迅速建立。对抗过电压冲击能力得到改善。 2、RN3型系列高压限流熔断器。为了使其能与FN5负荷开关配合工作。完善了指示的基本功能。 3、按国家标准草案GBL5166.1-5—《限流式熔断器》中的试验方法,可开断20-150MVA的短路容量,而RN1型只能开断40~80MVA 的短路容量。RN3型可配合FN5开断过载电流。开断过载电流。 4、熔断器的工作温度降低,熔管的额定电流得到提高,具体参见图样。 The fuse flows in high voltage limt in RN3 type one(RN1) 1.Meltiing body adopt slice become section fracture structure more is for make and turn on and give up abiltiy streng then,open and break accelerating, can set up rapidly to bring up the rear insulatingl while openning. AssauIt ability and was improved after opposing the voltage. 2.RN 3 type serial high-voltage Iine the fuse flows.For enabIe them be abIe to cope rate with Fn5 on-Icad switch and work.Have perfected the basic function of pointing out.Should point for to trip in the organiz-ation on-load switch. 3.From nationaI standard d raft GBl5166.The experimental methods of”Iimit flowina type device fuse box”for 1-5-94. can make the capacity of short circuit of breaking 20-1 50MVA.and Rn1 type can only make the capacity of short circuit of breaking 40-80MVA. Rn3 type can cooperated with Fn 5 and opened and broken the ilectric curtent in year. RNl type. can’t triP 4.Workinq temperature of fuse box reduce,rated current of the fuse has been ine reased,See the pattern concretly. |
图3 RN3-3,6,1 0/2-0.5型外形尺寸 图3 RN3-3/75-200,RN1-6/75-200,RN3-10/75-200型外形尺寸 |