产品特点: (Status)
1.产品为分体电池夹,操作简便安全。(the solar clamp are pided, easy to use)
2.金属外壳,外观高贵,大方,时尚,耐用。(Metal Shell, nice-looking, durable)
3.产品浓缩了国内顶尖逆变技术,体积小巧。(high-tech, small cubage)
4.输出电源插座为欧规万用插座,适合世界各种电器使用( the socket are fit for useage over the world)
5.备有风能及太阳能充电控制接口。(The pided receptacle for wind and slor conntroller is exis
6.输入输出电压表头指示。( there are display of output and input of the voltage)
1.PWM脉宽控制技术。(PWM Controller)
2.开机缓启动功能。(Start-up steady on)
3.低压报警功能及低压关断保护功能。(ther are function of alarm and
cut-off for the low voltage)
4.过压保护功能。( there is a protection function of Over-voltage protection)
5.过载保护功能。(there is protection function of Over pre-load)
6.过流保护功能。(there is protection function of Over Current)
7.过温保护功能。(There is protection function of Over temperature)
8.短路保护功能。(there is protection function of short circuit)
9.110V/220V稳压输出。( steady output(110v/220V)
12V/24V TO 110V/220V