CBMD系列防爆马路灯(ⅡB、ⅡC、e) 适用范围Application 适用范围同相应的配装灯具.
Can be us in zone same as equipped lamp. 产品特点Features■路灯由防爆灯,灯杆,基座三部分组成.基座内装接线箱或路灯专用镇流器.
■灯杆为镀锌钢管表面喷塑.具有较好的防腐能力.基座采用铸铁制造.牢固稳定,灯杆和基座均可根据用户要求 特 制.
◆The road lamp consists of explsion-proof lamp,lamp pole,base.Inside the base,jumction box or special ballast of road lamp is installed.
◆Lamp pole is galvaniced pipe with plastic-sprayed surface.lt can be well corrosive-proof.The base made of cast iron is steadly fixed.Lamp pole and base can be specially made as required.
◆Type 01、02、05、06can install lamp cover to user's requirement.
◆Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. 型号含义Model implication