我公司可根据客户需求制作各种形状的促销品,材质包括KT扳,安迪扳,纸箱瓦楞纸板,中空扳;我司有专门的超大尺寸模具可成型各种异型产品,实现高效生产,而且成型的产品边缘美观。深圳生彩,深圳超大喷绘喷画公司,服务港澳,深圳,东莞,珠海,惠州等珠三角城市.上述区域,当天交货,质优价平;首次下单30元以内免 费,50元以上5折优惠.欢迎来电:13724319051,钟生,或网上咨询:QQ:815625244 QQ:501912635.
公司员工50%以上大专学历,有丰富的行业从业经验,生产技师均接受过严格的岗前培训,经考试合格才能上岗。工作流程严格按ISO国际质量标准管理,工场实行5S管理。Shenzhen SUNSIDE advertising digital printing Co.Ltd. is a large-scale corporation, which was founded in 1997,possess the most advanced inside and outdoor pictorial and digital printing equipment, as well as equip with complete assist production equipment and later period process equipment. We own several advanced digital printing production line and an excellent technology project team.
Our digital printing pictorial machine include 10Roland machine, 4America hp machine , 2 Japanese jv3 machine and 2 precision machine. We own display equipent produce factory ,also can order various display equipent for clients.
At present, our produce were mainly for export, various pictures and display
equipment were sold to lots of country and area, such as japan, England ,Germany, Amerca,Australia,Hongkong, Taiwan and so on .Include a lot of well-konown brand.for example coca-cola,pepsi cola,microsoft, SAMSUNG,NVIDIA,SKINS,CYBEX,Wyeth, Better Life,Lenovo,ZTE,xieruilin and so on.
Over fifty percent of our employees were graduated from college ,and have abundant experience in this industry. Production technician must accept training befor working and was not allowed to work untill they had passted the examination.The technological process was manage strictly according to ISO international quality stander,and our factory were manage by 5S.喷画喷绘产品包括:
Produce include:
户内:相纸(photographic)、背胶、灯片、可移背胶,PP胶,PVC片,防水白画布(waterproof based white canvas)、透明背胶/透明片、写真布(portrait cloth)、银绸布、丝光绢布(silk cloth)、 油画布()、金泊、银泊(silver foil)等;
户外:外/内打灯布、户外背胶、车身贴,单透贴、网格布、户外灯片(solventl backlit film),双面布,地板贴,旗纺布(flag cloth)等;展示器材有:展板(KT板,裱画板,安迪板,雪弗板,纸面板,太阳板,万通板等板材),X展架(X banner)、韩式X展架,易拉宝(rollup banner)、伸缩杆易拉宝(extension arm rollup banner)、拉网展架(pop up stand)、促销台、L形展架(Lbanner)、人像立牌、海报架(poster stand),迷你X展架(mini X banner),迷你易拉宝(mini rollup banner)等;
Our company is located at wuzi buiding renminnroth road, luohu district,shenzhen. Warmly welcome to visiting our factory.