苯胺黑Aniline Black:C.I.NO.50440,Pigment Black
1.是目前所知道的黑色颜料中最黑,最蓝,最透明的产品。它具有优越的耐溶剂/耐酸/耐碱/耐光/耐热/不溶于水/且不与DOP反应等性能。最透明使其区别于碳黑(P.BL.7),最蓝相的黑让其与碳黑搭配得到最为娇艳,最为亮丽的黑色效果。因此,苯胺黑又可作为调蓝黑。l无论是单独使用,还是作为调色用途,它都是PU色浆,皮革上色,涂料,油墨,树脂着色等高蓝相黑色着色环境的不二选择。 产品1:NO.2 SUPER BLACKThis is ourstandard pigment as the"Aniline Black" 产品2:NO.25 Aniline BlackFor particular application NO.2 Super Black is neutralized to be NO.2 Aniline Black of which PH is about
6.5. 产品3:NO.30 Aniline BlackThis pigment has bluish color tone compared with NO.2 SUPER BLACK,but is a little inferior to that in coloring strength.