德国OPTIBELT一级代理 德国欧皮特(Optibelt)公司成立于1872年,是一具有百年历史的著名传动带生产厂家。日前Optibelt 集团在欧洲有5家工厂荣被称为世界上生产及销售传动带的专业领导者。产品质量满足高效要求并以ISO9001质量体系保证。Optibelt欧皮特皮带的主要领域:-机械制造业-汽车工业-农业机械-家用电器和办公设备-纺织、印刷及造纸设备。优点:l 非常轻便的测量设备l 实际张力的频率测试仪l 单位: HZl 测量范围: 10 - 600 HZl 测量速度快l 高测量精度l 操作简单、方便l 自动开关功能 欧皮特TT mini张力频率测试仪是一种通过检测皮带振动频率来检查皮带张力的仪器。新型、紧凑的张力频率测试仪可以确保三角带、多楔带、同步带的长服务寿命。使用说明:
1. 该仪器被放置在两个带轮之间的带的背部,在使用成组带的情况下,最好放置在中央带上,在开始操作之前,确保指示器被推入仪器本体内。(首先把指示器压紧到刻度上)
2. 把该仪器很松地放置在要测量的带上,缓慢地把手指按压到压力面上。
3. 在测量过程中不要试图用多个手指接触到仪表。
4. 一旦听到或感到明确的咔哒声,立即释放压力,指示器臂将保持在被测量的位置。
5. 小心地提起仪表而不要移动指示器臂。读出带的张紧情况(参阅图表)。读出划过刻度的指示器顶部表面所在精确位置的测量值。
6. 根据测量结果,降低或增加皮带的张紧,直到在所需的张力范围内为止。张力计
optibelt 张力计用于快速读出皮带的张紧情况。通过降低或增加皮带张紧,可以达到需要的值。 英文介绍: The newly developed Optibelt TT mini frequency tension tester is an appliance that is used to check the tension of drive belts by means of measuring frequency. Thanks to a compact design, this product offers universal application possibilities in machine construction, in the automotive industry and many other technical applications..
The TT mini can even be effortlessly used in difficult-to-reach places so that the tension values of V-Belts, ribbed belts and timing belts can be easily and quickly checked.
In addition to this, the TT mini offers further advantages:
· Hertz [Hz]display
· large measuring range from 10-600 Hz
· simple and repeat measurement accuracy
· small, manageable appliance
· automatic switch-off function
· exact plant calibration and CE approval
The appliance is immediately ready for data collection as soon as it is switched on. After the tensioned belt has been made to vibrate, either by striking it with a finger or other object, the sensor head is to be positioned above the belt that is to be measured. The TT mini will begin to collect the data and displays the result in Hertz [Hz]. The composition, colour and type of belt does not have any influence upon the measurement as an acoustic measurement principle is used as a basis. The tension recommendations can be found in the Optibelt default values and the CAP calculation.The Optibelt TT mini:
Guarantees a long service life for you V-Belts, ribbed belts and timing belts.价格有波动,具体价格面议!