东润工贸有限公司坐落在中国五金之都-------浙江永康, 占地面积20000平方米。现有员工300余人,多年经验的铸造工程师32人。 东润工贸有限公司是有12年的铝铸件制造经验,专业从事制作机械铝铸件及民用铸铝件的企业,是集翻砂铸造、重力铸造、压铸及机加工、抛光研磨为一体的综合性加工企业。多年来,以优质的产品和完善的服务,深得国内外客户一致好评。
主要产品有:汽车配件、轨道交通配件、电力设施、纺织机械配件、摩托车配件、灯具配件、家具配件、铸铝建筑材料、市政及园林铸铝产品、户外用品及装潢、庭院用品、灯饰配件,家私配件,工艺品,机械配件等。并承接单件重量从几克到500公斤以内的不同产品,为企业或外贸公司加工的各类铸件,供货及时,质量稳定。 我们拥有实力雄厚的铸造技术团队,能为客户提供一整套节约、高效的铸造方案。并配套进行电泳、喷漆、喷塑。在工业民用铸件领域,我们都积累了丰富的经验。工厂已通过ISO9001:2000认证,拥有完善的管理体系及技术队伍。 东润用心聆听每一个客户诉求,以求实、开拓、创新的敬业精神,以人为本、质量取胜、科技为基,坚持品质第一、用户至上的经营方针,竭诚欢迎新老客户光临洽谈,不论订单量大小,我们都将为您所需的产品提供高质量、全方位的服务。产品材质:铝合金A356 A380 A360 A319 A390 ADC12 ADC10 ZL101 ZL102 ZL104产品重量:0.5kg-500kg/pcs 铸造工艺:可同时提供压铸、砂铸及重力铸造 应用软件:pro/E、auto CAD、solid work 2008、UG、CAD 机加工类型:车床、铣床、研磨、钻孔、攻丝 · 表面处理:抛丸、电镀、喷塑、喷漆、电泳 其他服务:焊接、组装、包装 加工业务范围:汽车配件、轨道交通配件、电力设施、纺织机械配件、摩托车配件、灯具配件、家具配件、铸铝建筑材料、市政及园林铸铝产品、户外用品及装潢、庭院用品,铸铝家具配件;砂型铸铝件;铸铝汽摩配件;铸铝件;铸铝灯饰;铸铝护护栏;铸铝机械配件;铝压铸件;铝浇注件;家具配件附件;家用金属制品;液压机械及部件;汽摩配件加工;金属建材;铝合金铸造 Yongkang Dongrun Casting Industry&Trade Company Co,.Ltd was built in 1995, but we have been in the casting business for more than 14 years. No matter what type of molding you need done, we are the right supplier for the job. Unlike most of our competition, we offer three types of castings-aluminum sand casting, gravity die casting,aluminum die casting and low pressure die casting.Our products include automotive parts, railroad parts, medical parts, marine parts, lighting parts, pump body, valve parts, architectural parts and furniture parts.
Our production equipment
Our facilities include eight sets of aluminium die casting equipment ranging from 180T to 1,250T. We have five production lines for large aluminium sand casting jobs up to 500kg/piece and 30 platforms for smaller projects. Four sets of permanent mold/gravity casting machines round out our comprehensive molding capabilities.In 2008, we set up our low pressure die casting workshop. We can also provide tooling, CNC machining, polishing, plating, heat treatment, pressure test, vacuum Impregnation, assembly and testing for your orders.
Our daily capacity
Every day we can produce up to 15 tons of aluminum castings.
Contact us
Browse our online showroom to see what we can do for you. And then E-mail us your specifications or inquiries today 。