这款新型的Novo-Shade Duo具有双重功能,在45度角下既能测量反射率,又能测量遮盖力。反射率模式下可检验:遮盖力模式下可检验:
-油漆,油墨,涂料的颜色深浅 -油漆,油墨和涂料的遮盖力
-纺织品,塑胶的褪色程度 -塑料薄膜的透明度
-油漆的粉化 -纸张的不透明性
-Novo-Shade Duo可快速准确计算出涂在测试卡纸上的涂料的遮盖力规格:
体积125 x 50 x 100mm
测量孔径15 x 10mm椭圆形符合国际标准:ISO 2814, 6504,BS 3900-D4, D7,ASTM E97, E1347, D4214, ASTM D2805,D589ReflectometerThe Novo-Shade Duo reflectometer can be used to assess either the shade of a surface (a simple indication of colour based on lightness/darkness) or calculate the opacity of a coating, plastic film or paper sample.
Measuring using 0/45º the Novo-Shade Duo measures the colour of a surface and not the specular reflectance (gloss).Features:Measures using the 0/45º geometryAutomatic calibration mode for safe and fast calibrationContinuous-read feature for quickly checking large surfacesStatistical analysis gives an instant indication of batch qualityDownload, analyse and store readings in Novo-SoftExtended two year warranty - free for registered productsExtended life light source - over 10 years operationStandards:ISO 2814ISO 6504BS 3900-D4ASTM E1347ASTM D4214Download PDF leaflet