供应高碱玻璃纤维(石膏纱)——该产品用于增强石膏板上与防火和类装饰材料,单丝直径(μm)12~14,线密度(tex)2400、4800,浸润剂含量1.2-0.2,水分含量<0.15%分束率>90%浸透速度<50s适用树脂重量(kg)UP、VP20 我公司辽宁最大玻璃纤维生产企业,拥有自营进出口权,占据东南亚市场90%,联系15604177167辽宁营口QQ867279001 skype:heroyangchen
The supply of high-alkali glass fiber (gypsum yarn) - The product is used to enhance fire and classes with gypsum board decorative materials, single-wire diameter (μm) 12 ~ 14, linear density (tex) 2400,4800, sizing content of 1.2 - 0.2, moisture content of "rate of 0.15% beam" rate of 90% saturated with <50s for resin weight (kg) UP, VP20 my company's largest glass fiber production enterprises in Liaoning, has the right to import and export, accounting for 90% of the Southeast Asian market, contact 15,604,177,167 Liaoning Yingkou QQ867279001 skype: heroyangchen