流利式货架(辊轮式)Carton Flow Rack结构特点:滚轮式货架是由柱片、支撑和具有耐高、低温ABS滚轮组成的流利条构成。用 途:是将货物放置在滚轮上,由于滚轮架的设计呈倾斜状,货物箱在重力的作用下向下滑动,可实现先进先出,对补货和多次拣货方便快捷。广泛应用于物流配送、货运业、图片发行、电子等行业。Working on a first-in,first-out basis,carton flow have the same work principle with live racking. The main difference is carton flow used for hand-loaded application. All systems are gravity-driven and perfect for applications.Separating the loading aisle from the retrieval aisle allows pickers to operate more efficiently.Carton Flow with its tilted shelves which improve visibility and order accuracy is the perfect answer for split case or piece picking.Other options such as impact decks and intermediate supports,can help guard against warehouse abuse and prolong system longevity.Cartion Flow can be integrated with conveyors and other storage solutions to create functional pick modules and warehouse product picking efficiency. 南京研华仓储设备有限公司销售部:南京市中山南路309号6楼厂址:南京浦口石桥经济开发区桥北路8号电话:025-84450906 86620879-806传真:025-86620869-mail:njyhcc@联系人:周先生 13073437527诚招经销商