PU球场PU Playground地坪特性:具有耐磨、耐候、耐水、止滑之特性,防撕裂,不变形之品质。Product Brief:Have very strong bear to whet,bear to weather ,bear water, characteristic slip, defend to tear to pieces, the quality of the constant form.适用范围:球场、网球场、排球场、游乐园、幼儿园、学校操场等类运动场所。Apply scope:Ground, tennis court volleyball course, amusement park,kid's park,the school drill ground etc. sport place.施工工艺:1、地面处理 : 依据地面状况做好打磨、修补、除污、除尘;2、PU 底漆 :在基层均匀滚涂PU底漆;3、PU中涂层 :将PU中涂全面镘涂二道;4、PU面漆层 :用PU面漆均匀滚涂地面二道;5、划线 :用PU划线漆按标准划线;6、地坪投入使用时间:7天后可正式投入使用。Construction Techniques:1, disposal the ground handle:?Work well to beat to whet,repair according to the ground condition,in addition to dirty,in addition to dust;2,PU bottom paint:Even roll PU bottom a paint in the basic level;3,PU interspace paint:Coat the PU paint on the floor for twice equalitily4,:PU cover paint:Roll the PU paint on the floor for twice equalitily ;5,lineation:Press standard lineation with the PU lineation paint;6, Devotion use time:7 days can throw in usage formally.PU球场使用须知:1、PU球场在排水系统正常的情况下,可以全天候使用。2、PU球场只能作球训练或比赛之用,不得改作其他用途。3、进入PU球场者必须穿专用球鞋或无钉胶鞋。4、PU球场内不准堆压重物,不得用锋利之物刮划场地表面。5、PU球场要避免接触有机溶剂、化学药品、烟蒂及其他火种。6、保持场地清洁,定期用水冲洗。Usage Notice:1,the PU ground draining system under normal circumstance, can all-weather usage.2,In the PU ground can do the ball training or game to use, can not change to make other purposes.3,Enter the PU ground has to be worn the appropriation sports shoes or no nail galoshes.4,The PU ground inside prohibit a heap to press heavy thing, can not use sharp of the thing pare off to row place surface.5,Avoid getting in touch with the organic melting agent,chemicals,cigarette bud and other material or new fires.6,Keep the place sweep, periodically flushing with the water.