本产品通过光电控制使液晶光阀变光,在正常亮度下,液晶光阀透明可视,焊接时遇有强光液晶光阀瞬时变暗,焊接工件清晰可见,焊接结束后,液晶光阀立即回到透明状态,面罩戴在头上,焊接时直接拉弧,不会让弧光伤害眼睛,也不会因多次找焊点损坏共工件,浪费时间,真正起到保护眼睛,保证产品质量,提高工作效率的作用。 本产品通过太阳能电池将光能转换成电能,焊接时出现弧光液晶光阀同步变光。如产品长时间不用,使用前在亮光下照射太阳能电池5--10秒钟即可使用。产品的防护玻璃更换方便,有可调旋钮,通过旋钮可调自己所需液晶光阀透光率的大小。本产品采用国内最先进的数字电路,结构合理,性能可靠。 本产品用于氩弧焊、电焊、气体保护焊等所有产生强光的工作,适用于国防、建筑、机械、矿山、油田、造船及各大中小企业,是目前国内焊接工作最先进的使用工具。① Automatically changes from light state to dark state when an arc is struck.
② The shade number can be set manually between DIN 9 - DIN 13 .
③ At the moment of stopping welding the filter screen automatically changes from dark to light state slowly so as to protect eyes from being hurt by the rest arc .
④ The ultra high performance of UV/IR Auto – Darkening filters provide full protection for the user's eye.
⑤ Protective plate which is free from stained chipping protects the filter screen from being damaged by sparks and particles .
⑥ You can enjoy the simple Operation to ensure the shade number is correct and adjust accordingly, And by moving the selector switch on the rear of the cartridge, the sensitivity to ambient light changes can be altered .
⑦ Helmet Material : Prevent Plastic
⑧ Helmet Frame Size: L ≥320mm W ≥220mm H ≥150mm