·三轴配德国产滚珠丝杠,进口导轨。Three axis in German-made ball screws and with imported guide rails.·整体铸铝床身,龙门式移动,坚固耐用长时间使用不变形,使定位精度更加精确。The whole cast-aluminum lathe bed, portal type move , firm, durable and does not deform in permanent service, providing better positioning accuracy.·采用大功率主轴,不仅使雕刻精细无锯齿,底面平整光滑轮廓清晰,而且进行两公分有机切割也轻松自如。Operating with high-power shaft, providing sawtooth-free fine carving with clear profile and smooth bottom face and easy cutting of even 2cm thick Perspex·软件控制主轴,独特的多个工件加工原点的保存方式。Shaft controlled by software with unique storage mode of processing base points for several working pieces·具有断点记忆功能,可在意外(断刀)或隔天情况下接着加工。Allowing memory of breakpoint, enabling resumption of processing in case of incident (breaking) or of work of the previous day.·本机非常适合建筑模型,面食模具、标识业、学校、企业事业单位使用。This machine is particularly suitable for applications in building models, dies for pastry, identification sector, schools, enterprises and institutions.