PDX-3000 MKII能令您怎样实现真正的黑胶唱片控制
PDX-3000 MKII 让您随心所欲的控制自己的黑胶唱片
除了传统的音调控制以及超音调设置以外,PDX-3000MKII 的扭矩模仿系统让 DJ 可以根据自己的喜好调节马达上的扭矩功率,从而得到前所未有的搓盘和缩混体验。
PDX-3000MKII 带有 MIDI 接头的打碟唱机,让您能够用其它 MIDI 设备来控制音调。
通过减少唱针的内在和外面力量的水平压制, 从而保证高品质优良和稳定的播放,
整个系统的振动,从轴承到组装, 皆由经验丰富的日本专家执行,所以为什么A.S.T.S. 防跳线唱臂系统是世上评价最高的。
PDX-3000MKII直驱式DC马达,在0.5秒内有强而有力的扭矩最大值4.7CN/cm,并且达均匀速率从按开始/停按钮。是为一个极端精确準确地控制的马达。 PDX-3000MKII并拥有尖端的 (32bit CPU) 数码控制数字式伺服器。 无论沉重转动或改变节拍,反向后转, 这台伺服器皆是严格控制马达稳定转动。
新的高精密度的转盘配合先进的数码伺服器, Vestax更熔铸一个新的优质转盘, 以求达到重量和惯性转动瞬间的平衡。 这使DJ使用中得到更高的稳定和準确性。 在这表面化下, DJs更多掌握黑胶片和小心精确地调整节拍。
数码伺服固件是控制电路的中心。 在过去的10年,它进步的提供更好的类比扭矩控制给DJs。
二个控制方式可以给DJs优先选择。 表演性能方式,保持稳定的速度和迅速加速或减速。 而混合方式能於轻触转盘上实现控制精确的rpm。
Midi 相容
从其他控制装置送出的讯号,可以由Midi音键控制PDX-3000MKII。 例如:连接 Midi键盘,利用黑胶片的单一音键演奏音阶
以ABS塑胶高压生產,耐久性的机壳, 能抵抗强大的回授和碰撞。
超级节拍推子,控制节拍范围由 50%。 配合微调节拍推子,总节拍控制范围由 /- 60% 是可能的。
DJs from 20years ago wouldn’t have believed you if you had told them that in the future, DJs show up to venues with portable computers and controllers. The media DJs play today may vary from what it once was, and the gear may have advanced over the years, yet the turntable still remains as a necessity for many. Why? Because the turntable remains as the only interface that allows DJs to play and control music with the simplest, but perse maneuver. The amount of data analog turntables and vinyl feed to the DJ is massive and far more complicated than it is considered. The vibration to the finger tips, width an feel of the ditches is a few and it’s impossible to digitally simulate such factors. Vestax knows the importance of the turntable, and continues to produce quality interfaces, which will connect the DJs sensibility with music
■ A.S.T.S.(US patented)Vestax’s original Anti Skipping Tone-arm System ensures high sound quality and stable playback by reducing the inner and outer force of the needle, suppressing horizontal vibrations. The entire system, from bearing parts to assembly, is performed by seasoned Japanese pros, which is why the A.S.T.S. tone arm is appraised world wide for its quality.
■Direct Drive DC Motor UPGRADED!The PDX-3000mk2’s direct drive DC motor has powerful torque of maximum 4.7CN/cm, and reaches a constant speed rate within 0.5 seconds from pushing the start/stop button. An extremely precise regulator is required to accurately control such a motor, and with the PDX-3000 it is digitally (32bit CPU) controlled with a digital servo. This servo keeps the motor rotating no matter how heavily the pitch is changed, reverse button is pushed or the platter is pulled back.