郑州宏鑫压球机技术先进,质量可靠,一机多用,压力强大,适合大、中、小型企业建立具有一定生产规模的生产线。适用于工业造气、锅炉型煤、冷压型焦、点火型煤、民用型煤、民用冶金、耐材、医药等材料的各种成型。Zhengzhou Hongxin pressure ball machine with advanced technology, reliable quality, a multifunctional, strong pressure for large, medium and small enterprises to establish a certain production scale of the production line.For industrial gas, coal boiler, cold coke, coal fire, civil coal, civil metallurgy, refractory, medicine and other materials, various molding. 压球机具体工艺如下:
出窑石灰经过筛选,小于3mm的粉料进入高压粉料压球机压球,球块规格为35mm*25mm*15mm(长*宽*厚),也可按照需方要求定制,获得球块体积密度1.9-2.2g/cm3,坠落强度和块状石灰相当。压球后经过筛选,合格球块进入成品仓供冶炼使用 。Pressure the ball machine specific process is as follows:
The lime kiln screened, less than 3mm of powder into the high-pressure powder pressing pressure the ball machine ball, the ball block size for the 35mm * 25mm * 15mm (length * width * thick) can also be customized according to the demand side, get the ball blockvolume density 1.9-2.2g/cm3, strength and bulk lime falling quite.After the filtered pressure the ball, passing the ball into the finished product warehouse block used for smelting.290型静压压球机