仪 器介绍法国LAMY RHEOLOGY自1957年以来,一直致力于专业研究粘度.流变学结构分析测量超过50年的集团公司,无论粘度计.还是流变仪及其它相关产品都高于世界 标准,完全智能化操作系统,使您的日常粘度.流变分析更是得心应手,我们分布在全球各地的销售服务工程师随时听候阁下您的吩咐!LAMY RHEOLOGYcompany is specialized in the trade of scientific materials since 1957, with very quickly , a dominating share given to the Rheology activity.First of all, sole distributor of mark CONTRAVES until 1991, then of METTLER-TOLEDO and Rheometric Scientific, LAMY starts, as of this period, to design its own instruments, complementary to those proposed by these firms, with TVe-05 and TVi-05.Since 2006, all the range of the rotative viscometers and rheometers ofLAMY RHEOLOGYare developed and manufactured in France, in our buildings located close to Lyon; it is diffused in the whole world, thanks to effective partners.仪 器特点⑴ First RM 专为粘度测量而设计,完全符合ASTM标准和ISO 2555规范。⑵ 标配 Pt100 温度传感器、ASTM 2-7转子和//、串口和USB 输出接口。⑶ 采用最新科学技术,无弹簧式旋转粘度计,设计坚固,符合ASTM 标准规范。firstRM was specifically made for your viscosity measurements according theASTM/ISO 2555standard;It is supplied with a laboratory stativ, onePt100 sensor, and anASTM 2 to 7 spindles set and //, serial and USB output.His modern technology, without spring and his sturdy design made of him THE NEW REFERENCE for theASTM standard measurements. 技术参数测量原理