FEP包覆O-RINGFEP encapsulated O-ringFEP包覆的O形环几乎能抵抗所有化学介质的腐蚀,并且温度适用范围宽、耐压缩性好,具有优异的抗摩擦及密封持久性,使用寿命长。主要用于泵和阀门、反应容器、机械密封过滤器、压力容器、换热器、锅炉、管路法兰、气体压缩机等。注:目前可提供外覆材料有FEP(聚全氟乙稀透明管,耐温范围-200~220℃)及PFA(聚全氟代烷氧基透明管,耐温范围-200~255℃
内部材料为硅矽橡胶、氟素橡胶两种。FEP encapsulated O-ring can resist the erosion of almost all the chemicals. It can be used in a wider range of temperature with good compression property, friction-resistance, seal endurance and longer sealing life.It is mainly used in pump, valve, reactor,mechanical seal filter, pressure container, heat-exchange container, boiler,flange, gas compression motoretc..Reference: At present, we can offer FEP encapsulated (transparent pipe oftetrafluoroethy-lene-hexafluoropropylene with the temperature range from-200℃up to220℃) and PFA encapsulated(transparent pipe of PolyFluoroAlkoxy with the temperature range-200~255℃) The materials inside are Silicone and FKM.