High temperature sample dyeing machine (Glycerin)
Suitable for general laboratory purposes suck as dyeing,washing fastness test,etc.,and simulate actual production conditions.
技术特点 Features
1. 可靠精密加热系统,配备可编程电脑温控系统。
Reliable precision heating system, equipped with programmable computer temperature control system.
2. 准确的时间控制器保证精确的染色工序。
Accurate timer control for precise dyeing process.
3. 染色操作温度可由室温调至摄氏135度。
Operation temperature can be varied from room temperature to 135℃.
4. 缸体采用高品质不锈钢材料制造,抗甘油腐蚀性强,夹入热绝缘材料。
Whole body is made of high quality stainless steel,corrosion resistance, adding insulation materials.
5. 试杯采用优质进口316不锈钢材料制作,一次成型,坚固耐用。密封垫片包含特别聚氟乙烯(特氟龙)和矽酮橡胶能够防止染液渗透,增加使用寿命。
Dyepot using high quality imported 316steel production,one time molding,sturdy and durable.Sealing seat is composed of special telfon and silicone rubber ensures no liquor leakage,long service life and non-staining property.
6. 试杯的工作容量有200毫升、250毫升、300毫升、450毫升、6000毫升、9000毫升、10000毫升、12000毫升,浴比可按不同试样用途而进行调节。
Working volume of dyepot range includes200cc、250cc、300cc、450cc、6000cc、9000cc、10000cc and 12000cc,and liquor ratio can be varied to meet different laboratory applications and purposes.
技术参数 Parameter
染杯数量 Number of deypots | 4杯/12杯/24杯 4/12/24cups | 冷却方式 Cooling method | 水冷 Water cooled |
染杯材质 Material of deypot | 316L一次性拉伸成型 316L one-time stretch forming | 加热方式 Heating Method | 电加热甘油 Electric heating glycerol |
温控范围 Dyeing Temperature Range | 20-140℃ | 电源 Voltage | AC220V/380V |
升温速率 Heating Rate | 0.2-3℃/Min | 功率 Power | 9Kw |
染杯容积/个 Deypot volume/ unit(cc) | 4 cups 6000/9000/10000/12000 | 12 cups 200/250/300/450 | 24 cups 200/250/300/450 |