Fried Peanut Production Line该油炸线是在引进国外技术的基础上,结合我国的国情在技术人员的潜心研究下,推出的具有先进性、实用性、物美价廉的新一代产品。整线全部实现自动化流水作业,可节约大量人力资源,最大限度的降低产品的生产成本,可根据客户产量大小定做全自动花生米油炸生产线流程:原料提升→浸泡→脱皮→拣选→凉干→油炸→脱油→拌料→冷却→包装.This fried line is researched and designed by combining foreign technology with China's national conditions by technical staff, and it is
an advanced, practical, and affordable new-generation products. The whole production line achieves automatic streamlined production to save a lot of human resources and minimize production costs, and it can be customized according to customers' needed output.Procedure of Fried Peanut Production Line:Hoisting Material→Soaking→Peeling→Picking→Drying→Frying→Deoiling→Flavouring→Cooling→Packing. Dryer.