[产品型号]反光膜[产品说明] 商品描述:可选样色: 白 黄 红 绿 蓝 棕 黑特 性:不易撕裂,易操作,便于刻绘,用PET专用油墨可丝印应 用:广告标志牌,宣传牌,临时施工标志,刻制车贴。使用年限:3 年操作温度:5-30度规 格:1m x 50m,1.24m x 45.7m Type of adhesive背胶类型 Coefficient of retro-reflection (minimum Value) Observation Angle0.2°,Entrance Angle-4° 各色最小逆反射系数,观测角0.2,入射角-4° Color白色黄色红色绿色蓝色红色棕色黑色Numerical 压敏型 PSA Standard Value (CPL)标准值 50 25 8 5 3.5 8 3Test Value (CPL)检验值 50 25 8 7 5 10 3 本公司承接国内外OEM订单,拥有独立出口权,产品材质通过欧盟环保认证,交期短,专人服务,欢迎洽谈合作! 尺 寸:可按客户要求 包 装:OPP袋/纸盒/透明PVC塑胶盒等Packing: OPP bag/box/transparent plastic PVC box材 质:最新推出的新系列YM可移韩式墙贴,是在时下最流行的韩国墙贴的生产工艺基础上,结合国外最新研制的可移胶水,精选国内外款式,采用高档环保材料,无毒,无味.YM系列在很大程度上解决了国内传统单色墙贴的缺点,亮点在于其具有可移性,可反复撕贴不伤墙面,颜色丰富多彩等特点,多用于现代风格的装饰,使用材料完全环保,绿色,保持时间长久,在室内环境下可以保持3年以上,不翘边,防水,防磨,底胶采用现下最先进的可移性胶,不仅能很好地保持产品的粘性,且撕贴不伤墙壁,可反复撕贴多次,同等技术在国内遥遥领先。Material:The latest new series of YM Korean removable wall stickers, is the most popular Korean wall stickers based on the production process, combined with newly developed abroad can be moved glue, selected domestic and international style, using high-end environmentally friendly materials, non-toxic , smell. YM series in large part to solve the domestic shortcomings of the traditional monochrome wall stickers, highlights in its nature has to move, can not hurt the wall repeatedly tear paste, color, colorful, etc., are used for decoration of modern style the use of materials, fully green, green, long hold time, in the indoor environment can be maintained over 3 years, not Alice side, waterproof, wear, bottom rubber used holds many lessons for the most advanced of plastic can be moved,
Can not only maintain product viscosity, and the paste does not hurt to tear the walls, stickers can be repeated many times tear, the same technology in China far ahead.联系方式Contact:
TEL :0757-82825483
FAX :0757-83655536 QQ:325915995
wangwang: ymray
MSN: lianhuichen@
(1) paste, make sure the location of surface cleaning paste and clean.
(2) large sticker affixed when stripped from the corner office, the side of the paste while slowly peeling off the backing paper. In this process, if using a soft cloth to help heal the stickers better than the hand heal, to paste a more peaceful, less likely to bubble.
(3) If the paste does not care when posted wrinkles, carefully peel back from the paste, pay attention to strip from time to time so as not to damage the stickers do not pull hardMore product information contact me directly with the request
1. 阳美公司韩式墙贴系列为环保型产品,已通过法国 BV 测试 以及 SGS 测试,含铅总量低于 200PPM。【欧洲标准为含铅总量低于 1000PPM】
2. 背胶具有真正的可移除性能,真正做到不破坏乳胶漆墙面,并可再贴。
3. 阳美印刷胶粘公司旗下所有品牌的胶水,均为本公司与材料公司共同研发的独家专利产品。