EFVC-S4立切机(强力型) ( enforce type )
切割材料(cutting materials):用于切割大块高密度及硬度EVA、蜂窝瓦楞纸板,及阳光板,珍珠绵、鞋革、,海绵、硬质或软质等的包装材料.it’s mainly apply for cutting high density & hardness materials with saw or bladeknife , EVA, honeycomb , rigid foams, with the same result if cut low density flexible foam.
1.内工作台尺(inside worktable size): L1320mm*W2290mm
2.外工作台尺寸(outside worktable size): L1200*W2290mm
3.最大切割高度(max cutting height)::350mm /450mm/ 600mm
4.挡板高度(baffle height):200mm
5.刀带长度(blade length) : 8100mm
6.机器外形尺寸(external size):L4500*W4000*H2550mm
本机主要用刀带或锯带将大块的片状的以上材料进行切裁成条料或块状。(it is mainly use the blade knife or saw to cut the large patch of materials into strip or smallrectangular cuts,
1.此机专为切割高密度及硬度材料设计,机架设计厚实,稳定性高,有效减小颤抖,锯﹑带两用,操作方便。缺点是切割最大高度矮,相比EFVC-M4 (海绵标准型)的切割最大高度1200mm来说,此款切割高度只有350mm/450mm/ 600mm,3种高度。
The frame base is designed heavily and stably, which is helpful to reduce the shivering when cutting high density and hardness materials,bladeknife and saw can be used, however , the disadvantage is , compared with the cutting height ofEFVC-M4 (standard) cutting height of 1200mm , EFVC-S4 cutting height is only 350mm﹑450mm﹑600mm
The baffle runs onlinear motion rail withtheroll axis, which is easier to push and the cutting process is more precise with high productivity.
3.切割高密度高硬质的材料精确度非常高,而且切割低密度海绵等材料具有同等功效,只是此款切割高度相对较矮,只有350mm,450mm, 600mm
It’s very exactly to cut the high-hard and high-density materials.
The automatic Blade knife sharpen grinding with human-care located with much more safety and productive consideration.
网址: www.liqieji.com 传真:0769-88415199 手机号码:13322602191 (李小姐)