上海铠迦工艺品有限公司广告灯箱、有机玻璃工艺品、有机广告牌、酒水牌,反光牌,特许销售授权牌,线路牌等广告制品。公司有着十多年的灯箱,标牌制作技术,有生产标准厂房,先进的生产设备,专业的设计开发人员和丰富的制作经验,至力于把最优秀的技术经验和良好的服务品质提供给每一位客户朋友们。本公司始终坚持“以质为本 广接客源 薄利多销 互惠互利”的经营理念,不断开发各种产品来服务于各商家朋友。
公司竭诚与国内外各界客商携手合作,共创双赢! 网页地址:主营产品:灯箱联系方式: QQ:535224605Tel: 021-54246781 Fax: 021- 54246781 FactoryTel: 02154249863 Email/MSN: Lailaishot@ URL: 公司地:上海市闵行区新朱路967号 导光板设计原理源于Note Book 的液晶显示屏,是将线光源转变为面光源的高科技产品。产品采用光谱分析原理与脉冲激光雕刻或数码印刷技术相结合并在恒温、恒湿、无尘的环境条件下制作而成,具有超薄超亮、导光均匀、节能环保、无暗区、安装维修简单快捷等鲜明特点。宽度:最高可达1500mm长度:包含2 根荧光灯管最高可达3000mm厚度:2mm-20mm Shanghai Kaijia Artware Co.,Ltd. are mainly specialized in light guide panel and it's application products, a pofessional corporation with D & R and production of slim lampbox.With many years of technology experience, Kaijia company have many special slim lampbox serials products, witch are :LED slim lightbox,side-open type lampbox, rolling picture-change lampbox,blister lampbox,crystal slim lampbox, slim magnetic slim lampbox and EEFL slim lampbox series.Kaijia slim lampbox combined with light guide technology and carving technique, they are top high-tech products, super and exquisite form. efficient and energy-saving, safe and reliable circuit, soft light, uniform brightness, and convenient to install and maintain, durable light panel, steady and guaranteed quality, widely used in subway, airport,station,business center, shopping mall, bank, hotel, exhibition show, high-level entertainment place and other fields.Shanghai Kaijia Artware Co.,Ltd. aim for quality, efficiency and service, we will create a very convenient and international communication way,Kaijia are ready to exceed with you.