该机集冲洗、灌装、旋盖为一体的全自动多功能联合机组,它适用于各种无气饮料、果汁、油醋、酒类、果酒、矿泉水、纯净水的自动冲洗、灌装、封口、该线设计独特、样式新颖、功能齐全、适应性强、操作使用方便、外形造型美观、自动化程度高、是目前国内理想的灌装设备。 The machine is a automatic multiple –function washing ,filling and capping unit .It is used in washing .filling and sealing all kinds of non-air drinks such as fruit juice ,oil & venigar ,wine mineral water and pure water .The line has advantages of unique design, new style ,complete untions ,multiused ,convenient in operation ,beautiful construction ,high automaticity .It is the best filling euipment in China.