YUSOL1050Environmentally friendly cleaning agent aluminum alloy
1. Overview: The product from anionic and nonionic surfactant preparation derived from aluminum alloy water-based cleaning agent. There is a strong degreasing, emulsifying function, can effectively replace various types of flammable petroleum solvents and strong acid on aluminum alloy and other metal items cleaning. to remove the oils, lipids, coking, dirt and other dyes have good cleaning effect.
Using this product can maintain the color of aluminum alloy, black will not darken. This product is non-polluting, non-irritating smell of human security. Bubbleless formulation of the goods which may be suitable for spray cleaning machines work.
2. Application:
2.1 Industrial Machinery: mainly used for mechanical processing, printing machinery parts and components outside of aluminum alloy;
2.2 Petroleum and Chemical: piping and equipment;
2.3 The food industry: instead of caustic cleaning food processing machinery, ingredients containers;
3. Physical and Chemical Properties:
3.1原液外观: 淡黄色液体;
3.1 liquid Appearance: light yellow liquid;
3.2相对比重: 1.02±0.01;
3.2 relative weight: 1.02 ± 0.01;
3.3 pH: 9.0±0.5;
3.3 pH: 9.0 ± 0.5;
3.4气味: 水果香型;
3.4 Odor: Fruit flavor;
3.5 pairs of shiny metal surface had no effect;
3.6腐蚀性: 对铝,铝合金等金属无腐蚀;
3.6 Corrosion: on aluminum, aluminum alloy and other metal non-corrosive;
4. Usage Notes:
4.1 dilution of the concentration: 10%, recommended by 1 stock solution plus 9 parts water (no special restrictions, water can) preparation; specific amount of water added as
The degree of transformation can be a little dirt;
4.2 Bath soak 5-6 minutes; cycle spray 2-3 minutes, until the hand-wipe to clean; |
4.3 Recommended operating temperature: 60 ± 5℃, if no heating conditions, the concentration can be increased;
4.4 Note: soak or spray should be as specific components and by the degree of pollution, time can not be too long, the temperature can not be too high;
4.5 If the aluminum, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy higher is recommended to use anti-rust treatment or surface treatment agent.