本厂具有十余年超声波花边机及花轮模具生产经验!有经 验丰富的花轮模具师傅把关制作!
材料均采用优质钢材 和合金料. 交货速度快,普通花轮模具3天内可交货; 厂部设有大型CNC数控加工机床 和钻铣床机加工中心,模具製作車間,并擁有火花机,自動車床,磨床,銑床等加工設 備,具備開發高要求的模具的能力 对形状复杂的花边材料可根据客户提供3D图精确度 可达到2丝以内。可定做高难度的超声波花边模具,内衣超声波切边花轮模,吸塑铝 模、高频模具、超声波模具、压铸模具等及非标件的加工。交货速度快捷。
超声波花轮可缝合、花样车边、裁切、分条、切孔、压圆形、成型、印色、烫金、打折和补强、包焊金属线固定。 超声波花轮滚压产品优点 1、消除传统缝衣机所造面针孔现象,不织布右达水密,塑胶薄物右达水,气密。
工厂代客加工制作花轮模具样板: 花轮制作产品样板
Our factory has more than 10 years ultrasonic lace machine and flower round mold production experience! Have the Check the rich flower round mould teacher checks make! Professional manufacturing flower round mold, ultrasonic flowers wheel mould; High precision mould, seiko spy. Material all adopt high quality steel And alloy material. Delivery speed, common flower round mould three days but delivery; The factory department have large CNC processing machine toolsMilling machining center and drill, mold production workshop, and has spark machine, automatic lathe, milling machine, grinder processing asher Prepare, with the development of high demand for the ability of mould complex shape of lace materials may be based on customer provide 3D graph accuracyCan achieve within 2 silk. Can manufacture of difficult ultrasonic lace mold, underwear ultrasonic trimming flower round mode, blister aluminum Mold, high frequency mould, ultrasonic mould, die-casting molds etc and non-standard parts processing. Delivery speed is quick