1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区; 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 pision, 2 pision; |
1. 本产品为复合型,开关箱采用隔爆型结构,母线箱及出线箱 |
1. The box is of combined type, its switch compartment is of explosion-proof structure, busbar and outlet compartment adopt safety-increased structure. 2. The shell is made of diecasted Al-alloy, inside is installed MCB or MCCB. Has C45, C65, CM1 to be supplied. 3. With protections of overload and short-circuit. 4. Special type can be made. ombined., 5. Suitable for both steel pipe and cable wiring. 6. Suitable for GB3836-2000、 IEC60079、GB12476.1-2000、 |
用户在订货时,须注明配电箱的回路数,各回路相应的电流数,以及断路器的极数,若带总开关,则注明总开关的电流 数及极数,并注明进出线方向,进出线规格及对应的数量。 The user shall indicate circuit number and its relative current, number of CB pole. if need to install chief circuit switch, its current, inlet or outlet specifications and number shall be noted. |
* 可根据用户提供的电气原理图制造 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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