为何需用仿形切割?(Why need to use
profile cutting?)
很简单,我们并非生活在只由直角组成的世界,因此,无论是硬质或软质的泡块都需要采用精准而又高效地切割成各种复杂的形状.这样的产品需求极大并且与日俱增如:举几个例子, Simply, We don’t live in the world composed only of right angles. Therefore, Whether hard or soft foam blocks need to use accurate and efficient to cut into complex shapes. Great demand for such products and increasing as: For examples, 定制包装用途(used in Custom packing)
建筑用品用途(used in Building supplies)家具用途(used in Furniture)
床垫用途(used in Mattress)沙发用途(used in Sofa)
定制包装用途(used in System packaging)
保温用途(used in Insulation purposes)
吸声用途(used in Sound absorption purposes) 为何要使用电脑控制振动刀仿形切割设备? Why use computer-controlled cutting equipment vibrating blade profile?低产量的简单仿形体可以使用简单的切割机械切割而不需要使用电脑控制设备,比如使用带刀切割机械,只能以低速而且非精确的切割出简单的图形,所采用的模板会被消磨折旧,其产品质量就会不稳定,十分耗时间,而且须雇用熟练工人,如果使用了电脑控制的振动刀仿形切割设备,就能够保证高效稳定的产品.这是因为: Low production of simple shapes using a simple imitation of the cutting machine cutting without the use of computer control devices, Such as using the knife cutting machine, only to slow and non-precision cutting out simple graphics, Using templates will be pass the depreciation , It’s product quality will be unstable, very time-consuming, And to employ skilled workers, If you use a computer-controlled vibrating blade profile cutting equipment, We can ensure the efficient and stable product. Because:1. 依靠自动化精准度与速度校验而非依靠操作者的经验.Depend on accuracy and speed automated check rather than relying on operator experience.2. 不会因为操作者的疲劳﹑失误以及模板的折旧而生产出不合格的产品Will not operator error and fatigue, depreciation of the template to produce unqualified products.3. 电脑自动排列图形功能可有效提高利用率.Auto Arrange feature computer graphics can improve efficiency.4. 切割过程无须人员监控,所以能减低劳动成本.Cutting process without staff monitoring, they are able to reduce labor costs5. 更多的形状变化与三维切割功能.More three-dimensional shape change and cutting function6. 便于修改原型设计,只需几分钟之内就能简易地设置与更改切割图形.Easy to modify the prototype, within just a few minutes to set and change can be easily cut graphics7. 多种安全保护功能和遥控功能与远程控控功能.A variety of security features and remote control functions and remote control functions8.无需制作模板,使打样变得简单。Needn’t a template to make proofing