JYD-h系列封闭式滤油机联系方法:18920568855 022-23677994 022-60250093用途: 用于电厂、电站、供电局、油库、冶金、化工、机械、航空等行业,对机械油、液压油、透平油、压缩机油、绝缘油、水乙二醇、柴油机油、汽油机油等液态介质在输送的同时过滤杂质。可远距离、高扬程对润滑系统加油、抽油,也可在线过滤杂质。适用于环境污染严重的场所。特点:
技术参数表:参数名称单位JYD-20hJYD-50hJYD-100hJYD-150hJYD-200hJYD-300hJYD-500h流量L/h1200300060009000120001800030000电源V380V/50Hz(或根据用户需要)电机功率KW1.51.51.5345.57.5进出口管径mm32324050506080设备重量Kg150180200230250280350长*宽*高mm700*800*950750*800*950800*850*10001000*850*11001200*950*1100过滤精度μm1 ~ 10(或根据需要)过滤级数 2级(或根据需要)※设备外形尺寸和设备质量仅供参考,随着产品的不断发展以实物为准。 1、滤油机在启动时,应注意不能使油泵反转,以免引起油泵轴封吹出导致吸入空气。
Avoiding the possible counter rotation of the oil pump while starting the machine, otherwise it may lead to the out blown of the axle seal and entering of air.2、滤油机在使用过程中,油泵可能吸入空气,影响油泵流量,为了达到滤油机的额定流量以及保证精细滤芯的正常工作,应及时打开排气阀,以便将滤筒中的空气排净(即排气阀出油后),排完空气之后及时关闭排气阀。
Air might be introduced into the machine during the operation and affect the oil flow. To ensure the rated flow and normal operation of the fine filter element, the discharge valve should be opened in time to release the air until oil can be seen at the outlet of the discharge valve, then close the discharge valve closed.3、滤油机使用一段时间后,如因污染物严重堵塞粗过滤滤芯表面而使吸油不畅,引起油泵噪声过大,应停机取出滤芯清洗。
After a certain period of predation, coarse cleaner could be gradually contaminated and noise of pump might occur, you should stop the machine in order to clean the filter element.4、精细滤芯在使用一段时间后,易被污染物逐渐堵塞,引起滤筒压力升高,当压力达到0.4MPa时,需及时更换精细滤芯。Dirt might stick to the elements of fine filter, causing a rise of the pressure in the filter bowl. When the pressure hits 0.4Mpa, the elements should be the changed in time.5、使用的吸油、出油软管应随时保持清洁。The suction and oil outlet tube should always be kept clean.6、如果滤油机抽不出油,请检查认定:Should the pushcart filter fail to pump oil, please check;a、油泵转向是否正确;The rotating direction of the pump;b、油箱至吸油口间的各零部件密封是否可靠,吸油口是否离开油面或油液已吸完;whether the sailings between the tank and oil inlet are properly; the oil inlet is above the oil surface or oil runs out;c、粗滤器滤芯是否堵塞。If the elements of rough filter are stuck.7、滤油机流量显著减少,请检查认定:If the oil filter distinctly reduced, please check;a、粗、精过滤滤芯是否堵塞严重;whether the elements of rough and fine filters are stuck with filth.b、油泵轴油封是否磨损或反转而造成吹出。whether an out blown of the axle seal has occurred due to wear or counter rotation.8、过滤压力突然下降,请检查精细滤芯是否被击穿。If a sudden pressure drop occurs, please check whether the elements of fine filter have been damaged.批发说明