特点:控制释放,营养全;肥效期长,3-6个月;颗粒粒径20-50 mm,施肥方便;肥料利用率高,是普通肥料的2-4倍。
N-P2O5-K2O-MgO-S-TE | 适用对象 | 用量/株 |
10—25—10—3—5—1 | 苗树 | 2-5粒 |
15—15—10—3—5—1 | 幼树 | 5-50粒 |
15—10—20—3—5—1 |
13—5—26—3—5—1 | 成树 | 50-100粒 |
The tree fertilizer is produced not only slow release, but also in big size(particle size 20-50mm,weight 20-50g) which convenient to fertilize. The fertilizer is in pellet or cake shape, slow release time 3-6 months, complete nutrients,and high utilization ration. The product especially suits to the tree in pluuiose tropic or semitopical zone.
Characters:Complete nutrients, slow release time 3-6 months, convenient to fertilize, particle size 20-50mm,high utilization ratio.
Ranges:Ornamental , forest ,fruit tree and palm etc…
Notic: TE-trace elements Fe, B, Cu , Zn, and Mn etc..