包装:12条/袋,(长期供货 ,蕾丝花型多个,同款)
(本行长期备有大量内衣裤现货产品,也可来样报价、打样。为推广业务欲与各外贸公司或翻译联手打造创造辉煌业绩,有兴趣请来面谈或来电咨询,非本行长期稳定的老客户索样需要样费,敬请谅解!请联系公司网站www.ywyunjie.com客服索要产品最新报价单,欢迎来电: 15957970222 陈经理)
型号86012# ,库存内裤,款式同款,蕾丝花型多个,多种颜色,花面平角裤是一款今年最流行的内裤,它具有 透气性好 该产品的材料是蕾丝 12条/袋 外标多个(不影响实际销售) 适合内外销售 由于是库存产品具体的数量以本行仓库的实际数量为准 (由于我行有该产品的长期库存货源,所以该产品可以预定)
Model # 86012, style persity and miscellaneous flowers, there are more than 10 kinds of colors, flowers face Humor is a year of the most popular underwear, it has a good air permeability of the material is the product of the lace 12 / bag a number of external standard ( Does not affect actual sales) for domestic and foreign stocks is due to the sale of products specific to our warehouse in the number of the actual number of which (as a result I have a line of the long-term product supply inventory, so the product can be scheduled)