特性: 超高亮度、超宽角度、光斑均匀、色泽效果好、完全防水 防水等级: IP67 Features:Super high brightness,Wide lrradiation angle,Even light beam,uniform color,Water-proof. Safety rankL:IP67 产品特点及应用场所Features and Application of places
草帽型 LED 防水模块是一种经济形的LED光源产品。采用高亮度芯片草帽型LED作为发光 体。有红、绿、蓝、黄、白等多种颜色可供选择。七彩九灯模 块配合控制器可以实现自控跳变、 渐变、跳变渐变混合、手控变色等多种变化模式。制造出七彩缤纷、绚丽多姿的动感效果。广泛应 用于立体发光字、招牌、标识、广告灯箱等,作为发光源使用。LED 模块的亮度高、光衰低、发光 角度大、品质优良、性能稳定。
The straw hat-shape LED wateproofing module is one kind of economical LED lighting source product. Tt is a dopting high-bringtness straw hat-shape LED chip as the luminothor . There are different light colors served. Seven-color module can realize the automatic jump-change control, gradual chang control, mixed jump-change and gradual change control , manual control and so on , it makes coloful and fetching affects. Tt is widely utilized to three-dimensionally flashing character,advertisement broad, marks and advertisement lamp box as the lighting source. LED module has hight brightness, low power-loss, wide lighting angle, excellent quality and stable performance.