-------------------------------------------------------------Description: Brown bottle, giving a feeling of retro nostalgia; ruby wine and women as strong and transparent; wine rich broad, floral and fruity with ripe; texture silky smooth, long aftertaste, makes nostalgia; the best drink with a temperature of 16-18 °.Bureau of Agriculture in 2006 was awarded the Italian \u0026quot;annual premium wines\u0026quot; category.
Buy more concessions, and gifts 描述: 酒瓶呈棕色,给人一种复古怀旧的感觉;酒色如红宝石般浓烈透明;酒香柔和持久,带有成熟的花果香;口感平滑回味悠长,让人留恋;最佳饮用温度16-18°。适合团体或私人聚会品用。2006年被意大利农业局授予“年度优质葡萄酒”银奖。
团购优惠更多,并有礼品赠送 Le Laudi I.G.T 2005--硫旦2005 ——Tuscany I.G.T 托斯卡纳产区 I.G.TName of the wine 酒名:Le Laudi 硫旦Denomination 等级酒名:I.G.T典型产区
Winey 酒庄:Cei 石英
Tepy 种类:Dry and red 干红葡萄酒
Alcohol 酒精度:12.5%
Area of production 产区:Tuscany 托斯卡纳
Grape variteties 葡萄品种:Sangiovese桑娇维塞70 %, Montepulciano 蒙帕赛诺20%,
Vintage 年份:2005
Tasting charateristics 品尝特点:
Color: deep ruby red
颜色:酒色呈深红宝石色Smel: harmonic and lingering
酒香:酒香柔和而持久Taste: smooth, full-bodied
品尝:酒味平滑,酒体饱满Serving temperatura 饮用温度:18-20°CSuggest 建议搭配: Spicy and tasty food; pasta/pizza with meat sauce
建议搭配鲜辣食物;肉酱通心粉/批萨 资质: