本机用于废纸制浆生产中处理筛选工段的轻杂质和尾浆。该机采用升流进浆方式,强大的涡流使得轻杂质聚集在涡流中心,从顶部的排渣口排出,纤维束和浆团在转子底部和筛板间得到进一步的疏解,良浆通过筛板后排出。该机对筒体的磨损较小,能有效的将轻渣和浆料分离,分离率高达95%以上。本机有立式和卧式两种形式。The machine used for the production of waste paper pulping section dealing with screening and the end of the light impurities in pulp.
It used the way up into pulp, making a strong eddy current eddy current light impurities gathered in the center of the mouth from the top from the tap, and the pulp fibers at the bottom of Mission and the plate in the rotor will get further relief, good pulp through the sieve After the discharge plate. Wear it on a smaller cylinder, will be effective in light of the sludge and slurry separation, the separation rate is as high as 95%.
The machine has two forms of vertical and horizontal.