目前泳池行业中最新产品,无需机房,安装简单,操作方便,过滤精度高,管理费用底等特点。Jet Swim is the perfect accessory for exercise, fitness and fun. With a Jet Swim installed in thepool the training effect is that of a much larger pool. By swimming "on the spot" in the pool you can train and practise your swimming technique at the same time building up your strength and endurance. Jet Swim also functions as a massage and rehabilitating muscle trainer. Of course, the children also love to bathe in the invigorating。 喷浪装置一种绝佳的集健身、瘦身和游乐于一体的辅助装置。在于小游池里装上一个喷浪装置,其效果不亚于大游泳池。在游泳池里“定点”游泳,你既可以训练自己的游泳技能,又可以锻炼自己的力量和耐力。喷浪装置还能用作按摩装置和当作肌肉恢复训练装置用。当然孩子们也非常喜欢在浪涛汹涌、泡沫飞溅的水流中嘻戏游玩。