作为制浆造纸的通用设备,压力筛有着不可替代的作用。 我公司生产的升流式压力筛、内流式压力筛及多级筛自2001年进入市场以来创下了年产二百多台的辉煌成绩。目前公司生产的压力筛可用不锈钢(304)和A3板两种材料制作,精铸304叶片和转子,进出浆管路(浆料浓度)可选用自动控制,既减少了人工操作,又提高了生产效率。筛鼓采用进口技术加工制作,筛缝据均匀,开孔率高,耐磨,使用周期长。 主要用于纸机前低浓浆料的筛选,能有效的去除杂质和疏散浆料,从而提高纸张质量。 结构特点: 1、 倒锥形内筒结构,浆料通过筛缝流速恒定; 2、 良浆出口宽,脉冲衰减快; 3、 内部设计圆滑无死角,抛光质量要求高; 4、 旋翼片间隙可以调整; 5、 旋翼片磨损后可以更换。
Patent Number: 200730016534.4
Pulp and Paper as a general-purpose equipment, pressure on the screen plays an irreplaceable role. I produced the up-flow pressure on the screen, with flow-pressure multi-stage and screen sieve into the market since 2001 has set an annual output of more than 200 of Taiwan's success. At present, the company's production of stainless steel pressure on the screen can be used (304) and the A3 two plate materials, and the rotor blades 304 cast, and out of slurry pipeline (the concentration of slurry) may choose to use automatic control, both to reduce the manual operations, increased production Efficiency. Drum sieve using imported technology to produce processing, according to uniform seam screen, opening a high rate, wear-resistant, long life cycle. The main machine for pre-screening of low-concentration slurry can effectively remove impurities in the pulp and evacuation, so as to enhance the quality of the paper. Structural characteristics: 1, inverted cone-shaped structure inside the cylinder, the slurry through the sieve constant velocity joints; 2, good pulp exports wide, fast pulse decay; 3, no dead smooth interior design, high quality requirements polishing; 4, rotor-chip gap can be Adjustment; 5, the rotor can be after the replacement of wear and tear film.