"鑫源 "牌液压金属屑高密压块机主要用于对各种金属屑(铁屑、铜屑、铝屑等)、粉粒状金属粉(铁粉、铝粉、铜粉、铅粉等)、冶炼添加剂、海绵铁等在不加入任何粘合剂的情况下压制成高密度圆柱形饼块(重量2-8公斤),饼块密度可达5T/M3以上(原材料不同,压出饼块密度不重量也不相同),压制成的饼块可直接投炉使用,铸铁个牌号可达HT200-250,每吨铸件可节约成本700元左右。
"Xinyuan" brand hydraulic metal scraps high-density press block machine is mainly used for all kinds of metal bits (of copper scrap iron and aluminum soap scraps, etc), powder granular metal powder (powdered iron, aluminum, copper powder, lead powder etc.), smelting additives, sponge iron in not join any adhesives made of high-density cylindrical bread pressing blocks (weight 2-8 kilograms), bread piece density up 5-ton/M3 above (raw material is different, pressure out of pizza density not weight is not identical also), compressed into bread piece can directly use, cast iron a cast furnace synthetics can reach HT200-250, every tons of castings can save cost 700 yuan.
This machine adopts the advanced hydraulic transmission technology, use the high-quality wear-resisting oil seal, oil cylinders using the latest domestic high-tech craft processing assembly, thereby ensuring continuous operation not abate oil cylinder pressure, durable, smooth operation; Computer control, the high degree of automation, low failure rate, easy maintenance, etc.
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