电源逆变器又称电源转换器,本系列逆变器设计为将DC电转换为交流电,广泛引用于汽车、轮船、飞机及户外给笔记本、游戏机、移动播放器、冰箱、水壶等功率范围内电器供电。具有低电压保护、过压、过热、过载、短路保护等保护功能,使用安全方便。 This power inverter is designed to convert a DC power source into AC power. It is commonly used in places where only DC sources are available like cars, airplanes, boat cabins or in the outdoors, to drive suitable equipment such as laptops, game consoles, video players, movable players, fridges, microwaves, kettles etc. It’s equipped with low battery shutdown, over voltage, over heating, over loading and short circuit protection.