1) CIP系统 CIP System
This stationary CIP system needs no disassembly or assembly for conducting cleaning process. Specially design for cleaning piping, filling, rinsing and multiple tanks.
产品特点Special features:
a) 经济运行成本低,结构紧凑,占地面积小,安装,维护方便。
Economical running operation.
Compact design which has very small floor space
Very easy to install and maintainacne.
b) 根据现场需要,可设置为单路或多路。
Base on customer’s requirement, system can be deisgn in single or mutilple circuits
c) 没有气动格膜泵,抽收浓酸碱,降低生产成本。
No numatic XXXX pump for delivery concentrate acid and alkaline is needed, hence running cost can easily be reduced.
d) 采用西门子机界面(触摸屏),操作更简单,更人性化。
Use Siemens interface (touch screen), very easy to control and also with user friendly design.
e) 全自动设计,温度,浓度,清洗流程,全自动调节。
Full automatic monitor and control in temperature, concentration, clean process.
f) 不锈钢材质制造。
All component are with stainless steel
We design system in full filling customer’s special needs.