容川达电线成立于2006年,专业生产PU弹弓线/弹簧线,橡胶线,多国认证电源线,认证电子线,漆包线/耳机线,音视频线,线束组件,并承接注塑加工业务。是一家集研发,生产、销售为一体的多元化企业。经过几年稳健发展,公司电线产品在蓝牙耳机行业,装卸设备行业,按摩产品行业,交通配件行业,军工产品行业,工业设备行业,线材加工行业,开关电源行业,高端数码产品行业,LED照明行业有稳定的客源。在吉林通化,沈阳,北京,天津,青岛,西安,济南,上海,福州,厦门,杭州,合肥,武汉,南昌,桂林,及整个珠三角都有长期生意往来。国外目前产品已经出口到加拿大,英国,德国,法国,荷兰,美国.南非等国家。初步达到,立足深圳,面向珠三角,辐射全国,进入全球的成型网络。有你一路支持与同行,成就容川达电线今天。良好的品质和准时交货是企业赖以生存和发展的生命线,全公司上下将以更好的质量,更准时的交货日期来回报广大客户的信赖与支持,我们将一如既往的坚持使命:专业铸造品质,专注特殊线材生产.本着 "客户至上,品质为本 "的服务宗旨,以优良的品质,合理的价格,优质的服务,满足广大客户的要求,对特急订单可在3天内交货.电话0755-2729972927271909Yung Chuanda century, wire and cable production experts. Professional focus - wires.
Yung Chuanda Wire was founded in 2006, specializing in the production line of PU catapult / spring line, rubber line, multi-country power line certification, certification electronic wire, enameled wire / headphone cable, audio and video cable, wiring harness components, and undertake the injection molding business.Is a research and development, production, sales as one of the persified enterprise.
After several years of steady development, the company wire products in the Bluetooth headset industry, handling equipment industry, massage products, industry, transport parts industry, military products industry, industrial equipment industry, wire processing industry, switching power supply industry, high-end digital products industry, LED lightingindustry has a stable source.Tonghua in Jilin, Shenyang, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Xi''an, Jinan, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Nanchang, Guilin, and the entire Pearl River Delta has a long-term business dealings.Foreign products have been exported to Canada, Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United States. South Africa and other countries.Initially achieved, based in Shenzhen, the Pearl River Delta, the radiation, forming a global network access. Have your support and walk all the way, the achievements of capacity Chuanda wire today. Good quality and timely delivery is the enterprise survival and development of the lifeline, whole company will be better quality and more timely delivery date to return the trust and support of our customers, we will continue to adhere to the mission: professional casting quality, focus on the production of special wire.
"Customer first, quality first" principle of service, excellent quality, reasonable price and high quality services to meet the requirements of our customers, for Express orders can be delivered within 3 days. Tel 0755-27299729 27271909单芯线,一根铜丝线,单支铜丝线,耐高温单芯线.