质量轻、强度高 — —密度为1.20~1.50g/cm3,仅为钢材的1/7~1/5,它能够以较小的单位质量获得更高的机械强度。
性能可设计性的自由幅度大 — —预浸带和结构板材的物理、化学、力学性能,都是通过合理选择原材料种类、配比、加工方法、纤维含量和铺层方式进行设计,其选材设计的自由度大。
冲击性能优越 — —抗冲击、抗气浪,致断应变值高。
耐化学腐蚀性 — —耐化学腐蚀性优越、耐水性优于热固性复合材料。
电性能 — —具有良好的介电性能,不反射无线电波、透过微波性能良好。
可回收利用 — —生产中的废料和终制品均可100%回收,是 "绿色环保 "产品。
生产过程环保 — —生产过程中无有毒化学物质、挥发性气体及有机溶剂参与,没有任何的化学反应,是 "绿色 "材料。
1Lightweight、High Strength — —Density of our product is 1.20~1.50g/cm3,only 1/7~1/5 as weight as steel. Itgetsa higher mechanical strengthwithlowunit weight.
2Freely designed — —The pre-preg tape and structural panelgetthe excellent physical, chemicalandmechanical properties by reasonable raw material choosing , matching,optimization of processing method,designing and testing of fiber content and direction.
3Superior impact resistance — —Impact resistant、anti-blast、high strain value at break.
4Excellent chemical resistance — —Significantly improved water resistance in comparison to thermosets.
5Dielectric properties — —Good dielectric properties, no infinite wave reflect, microwave easy transmission.
6Recyclable — —the waste appeares in production and final products are totallyrecyclable.
7Green production process — —No hazardous chemicals, VOCS, and solvents, without any chemical reaction.