强粘性的PET/OPP胶带(剥离强度大于250N/M)不,每卷长度最长为600米,宽度可根据客户要求分切。 产品质量稳定,有黄色、白色和透明等多种颜色可供选择。性价比极高,完全能满足进口自动贴片机的要求,是替代3M和NITTO等的国外同类产品的首选。The Liner Removal Tape in different colours (yellow, white and transparent) is suitable for removing the liner of polarizing plate in LCD.
Backing:Polyester/OPP film
Adhesive:Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
Core:3” Plastic molding core
Thickness:0.045 ±0.015 mm
Width:24 ±1 mm
Length:500Mor330M ( -0, 10 M ) per roll
Thickness:3.6 ±0.02 mm
Width:35 ±1 mm
Internal diameter:76.2 ±0.2 mm
It should not have the appearance defects such as foreign material,
telescoping, off-core, adhesive transfer….etc.
Adhesion to Steel ( Kg/24mm ) : min 0.62Adhesion to PET liner ( Kg/24mm ) :min 0.62Tensile ( Kg/24mm ) : min 8.6Elongation(% ) : min 50