供应日本山一化学PART2气化性防锈剂新型气化性防锈剂New type of vaporizable rust reventive
【特征】 大幅度减少模具的准备时间! 从成形作业开始,3~5次注射便可得到优良产品。 安全性高! 不含亚硝酸二环己基铵等亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐。 几乎没有毒性,很安全。 符合食品卫生法、食品、添加物等的规格标准(1959年厚生省第370号告示)。 使用温度范围 常温~100摄氏度为止 对塑料没有影响。 万一产品上沾上SUPPLE MIST,其影响也很小,不用担心溶解裂缝等。
【Feature】 Supplemist significantly reduces the die startup time. From the beginning of molding, only 3 to 5 shots of preliminary injection are necessary to produce conforming articles. supplemist is remarkably safe. supplemist does not contain nitrates or nitrites such as dicyclohexylammonium nitrite, and its toxicity is almost negligible. It is compliant wofh the Food Sanitation Law and the Specifications and Standards for Food Additives, etc.(1959, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Notification No. 370). Use temperature range: ambient temperature up to 100℃ Supplemist will not affect plastic materials. The accidental adhesion of Supplemist to articles has little effect, and causes no problems such as solvment cracks.