SMETAstands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit, and it incorporates three elements:
A common best practice guidance on conducting ethical trade audits
A common audit report format
A common corrective action plan format
SMETA guidance and report formats were developed by the Sedex Associate Auditor Group in response to the challenge from Sedex members to provide a report format for ethical trade audits that could more easily be shared and to give greater transparency into the auditor qualifications and practices that underpin reports.
SMETA is designed to benefit retailers, consumer brands, and their suppliers, reducing duplication of effort in ethical trade auditing.
深圳市鹰捷企业管理顾问公司,是国内最早开展企业社会责任认证咨询服务的公司。历经九年的不断努力,秉承诚信为本,追求卓越的经营理念,先后成功地为国内外数千间企业供了社会责任COC/ WM/SMETA/SEDEX/ BSCI / ETI Mattel /TARGET ICTI/ WRAP/ SA8000/ /EICC/C-TPAT等体系认证辅导服务,我们客人包括美国大的贸易商KIDLINE/德国的贸易商DIGI-TECHGMBH/香港贸易商/祖永国际有限公司/ACCESSORY NETWORK等长期合作,我们的诚信/专业/良好的售后服务,赢得越来越多客户的高度好评,也令本公司至今保持着客观的老客户群体和大量的转介绍客户。