| 山东 | 山东羽毛球打法灵活多变,近年来成绩明显提高,获得多项全国冠军。并涌现了一批优秀选手如:张瑾,彭新勇沈烨、陆健、李田、刘京儒、刘洁、王思韵、马晋等。 |
| 韩国之队
| 韩国之队 |
| 菲律宾国家队 |
2009年6月29日VICTOR正式签约菲律宾国家羽毛球队。 菲律宾国家羽毛球队是支年轻的、充满活力与希望的队伍,他们在本次苏迪曼杯上获得了D组第3名。 |
| 羽球速度与温度关系对照(供参考): 76——32±3.5℃ 77——25±3.5℃ 78——18±3.5℃ 79——11±3.5℃ |
在特定的温度、角度和一种速度打击的羽毛球落在恰当的距离 范围内的比率来判断羽毛球的等级.VICTOR高于同类产品20%允许之差为+-15厘米.
New engineering ensures that all Victor shuttlecocks have a stabile and consistent flight pattern, making the Shuttlecock more accurate. Victor Shuttlecocks are made from the highest grade materials with a quality control process that ensures our Shuttles will retain stability even when used in the most offensive play. Compared to other brand shuttlecocks Victor shuttlecocks have a much lower rate of change due to damage during play.
1.A good quality shuttlecock needs a stabile and consistent flight pattern. Victor shuttles select only the best 16 feathers, giving each shuttlecocks better durability and a more stabile flight pattern.
2.Special procedures monitoring temperature, angle and Speed allow for ultimate testing of the shuttles in order to determine different grades of shuttlecocks. When compared to other brands of shuttlecocks, Victor Shuttles are 20% more accurate, allowing a difference of only +/- 15 cm during the accuracy testing.